
Your child is a wonderful, creative, intelligent and insightful soul. Your child also might be going through something big and showing this through behaviors and expressions of emotions that are difficult to manage. I’ve worked with children through situations big and small to support them and the whole family. Providing your child with a space to feel heard and understood leads to growth change.

Your wellbeing as a parent impacts your children, your child’s wellbeing impacts your family.

Let’s work on this together.

I work with children with a range of needs and diagnoses including children who are experiencing depression, anxiety, AD/HD, low self-esteem, family transitions and behavioral concerns.

Often the support of a therapist can help a child improve relationships and function better at home, with peers and at school. I also work to identify if additional resources could be helpful like individual therapy for parents, psychological testing referrals or IEP supports for a child’s school needs.